Old Tauntonians & Romsey CC
The Old Tauntonians and Romsey Cricket Club was formed in 1998, an amalgamation of Old Tauntonians Cricket Club and Romsey Cricket Club.
Taunton’s College was founded in 1760 at the bequest of Alderman Richard Taunton (1684-1752), Wine Merchant, Privateer and former Mayor of Southampton.
Old Tauntonians was an Old Boys Club formed in 1899 and culminated into the Old Tauntonians’ Association, keeping together those who wished to continue their former school contacts by playing many forms of sport.
Old Tauntonians circa 1937/38 - These sporting activities became ever stronger. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the OTA produced teams of formidable strength at Football, Cricket, Hockey, Chess and Golf. Individual players were awarded international honours and county representation and teams won many local competitions. From the late 1950s to the 1970s, the OT Sports Club had its own clubhouse on the site of the old ‘Tram Stables’ adjacent to the Highfield building in Southampton.With the closure of the school came the end of a regular supply of ex-schoolboys to join the Old Tauntonian Sports Club. With the removal of the College to Hill Lane came the loss of the club premises. There never had been an investment in land for a sports field, either by the school or by the old boys. These three factors combined to gradually lessen the strength of the Sports Club and, eventually, non Old Tauntonians were admitted to membership. The requirement of some league teams to have their own ground, the desire for somewhere to socialise and the economics of survival made it necessary for mergers with other clubs and The Old Tauntonian Sports Club ceased to exist as an entity.
Old Tauntonians are founder members of the Southern Cricket League and were champions in 1970, 1972, 1973 and 1989. They also won the Echo Trophy (known then as the County Ground Knockout) in 1956, 1961, 1962, 1968, 1989, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 and 1980
Romsey Cricket Club was formed in 1895, (although a club called Romsey Social existed in the 1880s) were founder members of the The Hampshire League winning the County Division 1 title in 1995, County Division 3 Title in 1981, the West Division 1 in 1991 and West Division 2 in 1988. They acquired the land for cricket from the Broadlands estate of the late Lord Mountbatten and played matches against many of the local towns and villages. Many touring sides visited on their way to playing in South Hampshire and the New Forest.
Romsey Cricket Club 1979OT’s and Romsey won the Southern League Division 2 title in 2003 and Division 3 in 2007.Colin Morris was Southern League Division 1 – Leading wicket-keeper (27) in 2004.
Charlie Forward was Southern League Division 2 – Leading run scorer (645) in 2002
Keith Trodd was Southern League Division 2 – Leading wicket-keeper (21) in 2003
Charlie Forward was in 2nd place in the All-ime (2000-2008) run scorers in the Southern League with 4,524.
OT’s & R highest team score in the Southern League (all divisions) is 301 for 7 v Sparsholt.
OT’s & R highest team score in the Southern League Division 2 is 294 for 2 v United Services in 2003
Purbrook scored just 37 all out v OT’s & R in Southern League Division 2 in 2008.
OT’s & R lowest score in Division ? is 73 v Hampshire Academy in 2002.
OT’s & R lowest scores in Division 3 are 59 v St Cross Symondians and 59 v Purbrook both in 2000.
The highest individual score for OT’s & R in the Southern League is 200 not out by Charlie Forward v Sparsholt in 2002.
Best bowling performance is by Max Smith with 7 for 40 v Winchester KS in 2000.
Charlie Forward and Max Smithhold the Hampshire League record partnership of 358 v
First-class cricketers who have played for Old Tauntonians and/or Romsey CC
Alan Castell – (Hampshire 1961-71)
Chris Goldie – (Cambridge Univ & Hampshire 1981-85)
Andy Murtagh – (Hampshire 1973-77)
Bob Stephenson – (Derbyshire & Hampshire 1967-80)
Keith Stevenson – (Derbyshire & Hampshire 1974-83)
Derek Tulk – (Hampshire 1956-57)
Ian Chivers – (Hampshire 1985-87)
Kevin Emery – (Hampshire 1982-83)
Steve Malone – (Hampshire, Essex & Glamorgan 1975-85)
P-J Bakker – (Hampshire and Netherlands 1986-92)
Rajesh Naik – (Goa and South Zone (India) – 1995/96 – 2003/04)
PJJ Rodrigues (Goa – 1996/7 – 1999/00)
Chris Wood (Hampshire 2010 -)
List ‘A’ cricketers who have played for Old Tauntonians and/or Romsey CC
Charles Forward – Hampshire Cricket Board
Phil Hughes (Hampshire u17s)